The average house price on GREENHOW GROVE is £190,430
The most expensive house in the street is 4 GREENHOW GROVE with an estimated value of £248,749
The cheapest house in the street is 6 GREENHOW GROVE with an estimated value of £134,551
The house which was most recently sold was 6 GREENHOW GROVE, this sold on 21 Oct 2022 for £135,000
The postcode for GREENHOW GROVE is TS25 1EQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GREENHOW GROVE Semi-Detached , 110 m2 £179,933 £58,000 8 Feb 2002
2 GREENHOW GROVE Semi-Detached , 32 m2 £155,453 £52,950 20 May 2002
3 GREENHOW GROVE Semi-Detached £188,849 £49,950 6 Jun 2000
4 GREENHOW GROVE Semi-Detached £248,749 £45,000 11 Oct 1996
6 GREENHOW GROVE Semi-Detached , 78 m2 £134,551 £135,000 21 Oct 2022
7 GREENHOW GROVE Semi-Detached £214,042 £49,500 16 Aug 1999
9 GREENHOW GROVE Semi-Detached £226,861 £94,000 28 Apr 2003
10 GREENHOW GROVE Semi-Detached , 73 m2 £175,004 £53,000 18 Sep 2001